A lightweight image-viewing program with powerful directory-searching and sorting options.
- PNG,
- GIF,
- animated GIF,
- and JPG.
Includes simple magnification and slideshow features.
Help information (accessible by running "dustloop -h" or "dustloop --help"):
- SPACE or RIGHT ARROW to go forwards
- B or LEFT ARROW to go backwards
- Double-click to magnify to 2x and double-click again to return to 1x view
Press C to activate 'slideshow mode'
- Slideshow mode automatically switches to the next image after a period of time
- F for fullscreen
- H for borderless
- Press + to increase the delay between images in slideshow mode
- Press - to decrease the delay between images in slideshow mode
- Hold SHIFT to do certain actions 3x
- Hold CTRL to do certain actions 10x
NOTE: Certain arguments that take a lowercase are the 'individual sort' version of that argument. In this case, it is indicated like so: N[n], where "[n]" is the 'individual sort.' Individual sort means that the directories given to the program are sorted before being appended to the viewing list, which enables, e.g., browsing images in directories a, b, and c in alphabetical order organized by directory.
- A[a] - sort alphanumerically
- D[d] - sort by date modified
- R[r](--reverse [full flag is global only]) - reverse the sorting order {note, the long-name option is global}
- K[k] - sort randomly
- N[n] - sort numerically
- c(--recursive) - recursively search sub-directories
- b(--slideshow) - start in slideshow mode
- --start {relative file path} - start at the image with the given relative file path
- v - verbose mode
- h(--help) - get instructions for the program